ece top child development programs 01

The field of child development has come a long way in recent years in part due to the advancement of neuroscience. Child development focuses on what we currently term “developmental stages:” what we consider to be age-appropriate, and essentially the milestones to look out for as an infant matures into their early childhood years. Child development also examines what happens to an infant or young child when their environment is not optimal- such as in instances of malnourishment, neglect, or under other forms of stress. Child development considers a child’s cultural background and language skills.  Communication skills are critical as a child develops, from making sounds to saying their first words.

Today’s child development programs also explore the social and emotional development of a child.  What puts that smile on a baby’s face? When a mother says, “Oh she likes you!” the mother can tell because (according to child development) the mother and father are the primary teachers and ultimately should be the experts who truly understand their child’s development and state of mind. This is why so many programs in child development also include courses on parent and family interactions- as child development is far more than just a child’s interaction with a teacher or psychologist. Family studies courses often appear in tandem with child development classes.

We wanted to help you navigate your way through the best online degree programs.  It is important to note that there is a difference between child development and child education programs. We examined online child development degree and certificate programs.  We looked at the quality of academics as well as student success rate- another indicator of quality. We understand that heading back to school is expensive, so we also factored in affordability. We looked at out-of-state tuition rates provided through the National Center for Education Statistics for this metric.  With all of these factors in mind, we came up with these our 20 Top Online Programs on Child Development.



  • Academic Quality (1/3): range of degree offerings for child development, average class sizes, admissions standards, accreditation, percentage of faculty with terminal degrees in their field.
  • Student Outcomes (1/3): retention rates, four-year graduation rates, 150% of average program time graduation rates.
  • Affordability (1/3): the percentage of students receiving financial aid, the average size of financial aid packages, and tuition per credit hour for out-of-state students (when applicable).

1.) University of Southern Mississippi – Hattiesburg, Mississippi

southern miss e1488402970861Bachelor’s Degree in Child and Family Sciences


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $11,618/year

The University of Southern Mississippi informally known as Southern Miss was founded in 1910 as a public research university. There are 14,146 students enrolled and the student-to-faculty ratio is 16:1. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accredits Southern Miss to award degrees and professional certifications. The student body is diverse representing over 70 countries worldwide. Southern Miss offers an extensive range of online degree programs for both undergraduate and graduate students. There are over 50 fully online degrees and certifications including an online MBA, as well as 14 fully online education degrees like their online bachelor in elementary education and an online doctorate in instructional technology.

The University of Southern Mississippi offers a Bachelor of Science in Child and Family Studies. There are two emphasis areas offered including Child Development and Family Sciences. We selected this child development online degree for its:

  • affordable tuition rate
  • high level of student support
  • quality academic programming

Students in the child development track are eligible to become certified teachers for pre-k/kindergarten students.  Family Science students focus on social services or parent education. Both program tracks are offered 100% online.   Major course requirements include:

  • Child Development
  • Child Development Methods and Materials
  • Foundations of Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Health and Safety Standards for Young Children

This is a great bachelor’s degree for any individual looking to obtain a broad scope of child development as well as for individuals looking to hone their interests.

2.) Appalachian State University – Boone, North Carolina

AppalachianStateUniversitylogo 15 e1516916766396Bachelor’s in Child Development – Birth through Kindergarten


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $26,541/year

Appalachian State University is a public university located in Boone, North Carolina. There are 20,641 students enrolled and the student-to-faculty ratio is 17:1. Appalachian State is accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Academic programs are wide-spanning and varied including degree offerings in areas like food science and visual and performing arts. When it comes to online education, Appalachian State offers 15 online degrees and certifications in fields like business administration and nursing. Appalachian State accepts credit for life experience.

Appalachian State University offers a Bachelor of Science in Child Development from Birth through Kindergarten. We selected this bachelors in child development online for its:

  • high graduation rates
  • affordable tuition
  • quality of academic programming

This 120-credit hour online bachelor’s degree is offered part-time.  All students will complete a full-time internship during their last semester.  The program includes both asynchronous and synchronous courses.  Child development major courses include:

  • Leadership in Advocacy, Administration, and Collaboration
  • Intentional Teaching in Early Education
  • Developing Inclusive Partnerships in Early Care Settings

Several courses focus on curriculum and instruction. This is a great program for individuals who want to become a:

  • preschool teacher
  • child life specialist
  • daycare director
  • kindergarten teacher

3.) Central Michigan University – Mount Pleasant, Michigan

central michigan university e1474754572173Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Development and Learning


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $15,480/year

Central Michigan University (CMU) is a public research university located in Mount Pleasant Michigan. There are 15,424 students enrolled and the student-to-faculty ratio is 17:1. The Higher Learning Commission accredits CMU to award degrees and professional certifications. Some of the best programs include degrees in neuroscience, as well medicine. Generally, their academic offerings cover a wide range of disciplines including fields like graphic design and casino management. There are an impressive 45 fully online degrees and professional certifications.

Central Michigan University offers a Bachelor of Applied Arts (BAA) in Early Childhood Development and Learning. We selected this child development degree online for the affordable tuition rate and the high success rate of its graduates. Through this program, online students will obtain a thorough knowledge of early childhood development. The curriculum covers areas like:

  • developmental psychology
  • education of children
  • lifespan development
  • Infant toddler development
  • early childhood development
  • families, schools. and communities
  • developmental assessment of children

Child development majors complete a six-credit hour capstone course on lead teaching methods in early childhood.

4.) West Virginia University at Parkersburg – Parkersburg, West Virginia

westvirginiaUniversity e1521138989640Child Development Program


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $10,506/year

West Virginia University at Parkersburg (WVUP) is a public 4-year university. There are 2,346 students enrolled, and the student-to-faculty ratio is 15:1. The Higher Learning Commission accredits WVUP to award degrees and professional certificates. Student support services include:

  • remedial support
  • on-campus daycare for students’ children
  • academic and career counseling
  • employment services for students

This community and technical college is known for its high completion rates and affordable tuition. Currently, there are four fully online degrees and professional certifications including an online certificate in accounting and an online associate degree in child development. As a community and technical college, a number of the academic offerings are in career-ready and hands-on fields like mechanics and animation.

WVUP offers several programs for individuals seeking to further their understanding of child development including:

  • Certificate of Applied Science in Child Development
  • Associate of Applied Science in Child Development
  • Bachelor of Applied Science in Child Development

We selected WVUP for the wide range of online options for childcare practitioners at every level.  We were also impressed with the quality of academic programming and affordable tuition rates.

The program was designed as a career ladder with different entry and exit points.  Students can begin by earning a certificate and move on to the AAS.  Once students have completed their associate degree, they can complete their bachelor’s in just two more years of school.  Bachelor’s degree students take courses like:

  • Creative Experiences in Early Education
  • Ethics and Administration
  • Early Intervention

All programs include field or clinical coursework.

5.) Missouri State University – Springfield, Missouri

MissouriStateUniversitylogo 826 e1521139026710MS in Child Life Studies and MS in Early Childhood and Family Development


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $17,928/year

Missouri State University is a public university located in Springfield, Missouri.  Currently, there are 22,925 students enrolled and the student-to-faculty ratio is 19:1. The Higher Learning Commission accredits Missouri State to award degrees as well as professional certifications.  Their academic programs are diverse and robust and include programs in agriculture and clinical psychology among others. There are an impressive 73 fully online degrees and professional certifications including programs like their online nurse practitioner program and online master’s degree in child development.

Missouri State University offers two master’s in child development online including a Master of Science in Child Life Studies and a Master of Science in Early Childhood and Family Development. We selected Missouri State for the:

  • number of online options
  • affordable tuition rate
  • quality of academic offerings

The master’s in child life studies prepares individuals to work as certified child life specialists.  This vital role involves helping young children in hospitals and clinical settings overcome trauma or anxiety.  Students explore areas like:

  • human development
  • family theory
  • child aspects of illness and disease
  • childhood death and bereavement
  • physiological psychology
  • prevention of child abuse and neglect

The early childhood and family development track includes more in-depth information on human development.  Students will take child and family development courses that include:

  • Orientation to Early Childhood and Family Development
  • Inquiry into Early Childhood and Family Development
  • Advanced Human Development
  • The Educational Role of Play
  • Family Literacy and Family Advocacy

6.) Maryville University – Saint Louis, Missouri

Maryville Logo e1681588363526Bachelor’s in Human Development and Family Studies


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $27,166/year

Maryville University is located in Saint Louis, Missouri.  Maryville is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission to offer degree programs and certificates.  There are just over 10,000 students and their student-to-faculty ratio is 13:1.  Maryville offers both online and on-campus programs focused on “student learning, outcomes, and success.”

The BA in Human Development and Family Studies from Maryville includes four unique program tracks including:

  • Early Childhood Development
  • Youth Development
  • Family Life Education
  • Adult Development and Aging

Students can also choose the 30-credit hour Child Life Specialist concentration.  The curriculum follows the 10 content areas of the National Council on Family Relations and includes both immersive coursework and service-learning opportunities.  Courses are taught by industry experts and cover areas in:

  • psychology
  • sociology
  • human relationships
  • early childhood and adolescent development

There’s no application fee and no SAT/ACT requirements for admission.  What are you waiting for?

7.) North Dakota State University – Fargo, North Dakota

north dakota state uni e1521140568750Human Development and Family Science-Child and Adolescent Development


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $13,963/year

North Dakota State University is a public land grant research university located in Fargo, North Dakota. There are 12,461 students enrolled and the student-to-faculty ratio is 18:1. The Higher Learning Commission accredits NDSU to award degrees as well as professional certifications. Carnegie classifies NDSU as a research university with “higher research activity.”

As a land grant institution, there are several programs available in the sciences including agriculture and zoology. The liberal arts are also widely covered, and students may select from programs like French language and political science. Five fully online degrees include construction management and human development.

North Dakota State University offers a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Science for Child and Adolescent Development. We selected this online childhood development degree for its high-quality academic content and affordable tuition rate.

The child and adolescent development courses include:

  • Adolescent Development
  • Parent-Child Relations
  • Personal and Family Finance
  • Diversity and Multiculturalism in Individual and Family Life

All courses focus on contemporary issues that face each age group. In addition to child development courses, you will also take family studies courses. This is a comprehensive degree that leads to several career outcomes.

8.) Northern Oklahoma College – Tonkawa, Oklahoma

northernoklahoma e1521140714425AA in Child Development Degree


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $11,622/year

Northern Oklahoma College is a community college located in Tonkawa, Oklahoma. There are 2,997 students enrolled and the student-to-faculty ratio is 19:1 where 62% of students are female and 38% are male. The Higher Learning Commission accredits Northern Oklahoma College to award associate degrees. Carnegie classifies Northern Oklahoma College (NOC) as a mixed traditional/ nontraditional institution. NOC offers a myriad of student support services including:

  • remedial services
  • academic and career counseling
  • placement services
  • dual credits

There is a wide range of vocational degrees available including in disciplines like business and commerce and fine arts. Currently, NOC offers nine fully online associate degrees and one professional certification. The most popular degrees are in business and liberal arts. Their online certification program focuses on child development.

Northern Oklahoma College offers an Associate of Arts degree in Child Development. We selected this as one of our top online child development degrees for the affordable tuition rate and the quality of academic programming. Graduates are prepared for a career in a variety of roles including:

  • childcare worker
  • Head Start teacher
  • childcare assistant

In addition to the general education course material, all students will learn about infant development- including appropriate cognitive and physical development. Online students examine child development from infancy through to preschool.  They learn how to design and implement curricula that are developmentally appropriate for young learners. This is a great course for an entry-level position in early childhood care and education, or child development.

9.) Redlands Community College – El Reno, Oklahoma

redlands e1521140757107Online Child Development AAS


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $8,312/year

Redlands Community College is a public two-year institution located in El Reno, Oklahoma. There are 1,731 students enrolled, and the student-to-faculty ratio is 18:1.  Redlands Community College (RCC) is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission to award associate degrees as well as professional certifications. RCC awards credit for life experience and provides services like:

  • remedial support
  • academic and career counseling
  • job placement services for graduates

According to Carnegie, this is a high transfer/nontraditional school. RCC offers an impressive range of degrees including agricultural animal breeding and kinesiology.  Currently, RCC offers six online certifications and degrees including among them an AAS in criminal justice, and an AAS in child development.

Redlands Community College offers an Associate of Applied Science in Child Development. We selected this online associate in child development for the high quality of academic offerings and the affordable tuition rates. This online degree includes an internship.  We like the wide range of courses available such as

  • child growth and development
  • nutrition health and safety for children
  • cognitive skills for children
  • professionalism in early childhood education
  • portfolio development

This online degree opens up several doors for a career in child development.

10.) West Virginia University – Morgantown, West Virginia

westvirginiaUniversity e1521138989640Child Development and Family Studies Bachelor’s Degree


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $28,608/year

West Virginia University (WVU) is a public land and space grant university located in Morgantown, West Virginia. There are 25,474 students enrolled, and the student-to-faculty ratio is 18:1. The Higher Learning Commission accredits WVU to award degrees. Carnegie classifies WVU as a research university with the “highest research activity” which is certainly reflected in the vast number of available degree programs. Students have the option to select from a wide array of disciplines including systems engineering and music management. Currently, there are 22 online degrees available to both undergraduates and graduates alike such as their online master’s degree in public relations and online bachelor’s in child development.

West Virginia University offers a Bachelor of Science in Child Development and Family Studies. We selected this online bachelor’s in child development for the high-quality academics and affordable tuition rate. This program follows the standards of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and includes a Birth through 5/Pre-Kindergarten option.  All students will look at families across the lifespan and explore the physical, psychological, and cognitive developmental changes within family systems. Other courses include:

  • Literacy and the Young Child
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Child Care Center Administration

Graduates have gone on to be successful in roles including developmental specialist and early childhood resiliency specialist.

11.) Grayson College – Denison, Texas

grayson college e1521140811167AAS Degree in Child Development


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $5,692/year

Grayson College is a public 2-year institution located in Denison, Texas. There are 4,410 students enrolled, and the student-to-faculty ratio is 21:1. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accredits Grayson College to award associate’s degrees as well as professional certifications. Grayson has an open enrollment policy and offers credit for life experiences. Grayson offers the full gambit of student support services including:

  • remedial support
  • employment for students
  • academic and career counseling

Carnegie classifies Grayson as a mixed-vocational/ mixed-technical institution.  Academic programs are career ready, and many are hands-on including an associate degree in child development and a professional certification in culinary arts. Currently, Grayson College offers five fully online degrees and professional certificates.

Grayson College offers an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Child Development. We selected this online associate in child development degree for the affordable tuition rate and the high-quality education. This online course is designed to prepare students for entry into a career in child development. The quality of this program shines in the variety of courses that include:

  • Infant and toddler development
  • creative arts for early childhood
  • children with special needs
  • curriculum resources for early childhood programs
  • observation and assessment of children’s development
  • administration of programing
  • child abuse and neglect
  • diverse culture/multilingual education

This program works well for individuals who work in a myriad of settings whether urban, suburban, or rural.

12.) Post University – Waterbury, Connecticut

post uni e1495646964721BS in Child Studies


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $32,524/year

Post University is a private university located in Waterbury, Connecticut. There are 14,055 students enrolled, and the student-to-faculty ratio is 21:1. The New England Association of Schools and Colleges accredits Post University to award degrees as well as professional certification courses. Student support services include:

  • remedial services
  • placement services for graduates
  • academic and career counseling services

Additionally, Post accepts credit for life experiences. When it comes to academics, Post offers several professional and science-related degrees, perfect for both traditional and non-traditional learners alike. Their online offerings are robust and include programs like an associate in accounting and a Master of Education in learning design and technology. There are 35 fully online degrees and professional certifications-.  The most popular online degrees are in the fields of business and public administration.

Post University offers a Bachelor of Science in Child Studies. We selected this online bachelor’s in child development for the quality of academics as well as for the affordable tuition rate.  We like this program for individuals looking to head into a field in early childhood education as the curriculum features:

  • foundations of early childhood education
  • STEM in the classroom
  • teaching exceptional learners
  • curriculum approaches
  • child development

The more common child development courses include:

  • health safety and nutrition
  • emergent literacy
  • educational psychology
  • learning theory
  • environments for play

13.) Concordia University Saint Paul – Saint Paul, Minnesota

concordia uni saint paul e1495502233121Bachelor’s in Child Development


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $25,600/year

Concordia University- Saint Paul (CUS) is a private liberal arts university located in Saint Paul, Minnesota. There are 5,545 students enrolled and the student-to-faculty ratio is 18:1. The Higher Learning Commission accredits CUS to award degrees as well as professional certifications. Concordia University Saint Paul has a robust online presence with nearly 50 degree and certification programs. Some of the most popular online offerings include their online masters in educational leadership and online bachelor in kinesiology and exercise science. All post-graduate certifications are available online.

CUS awards a Bachelor of Arts in Child Development. We selected this online child development degree program for its:

  • low tuition costs
  • flexible format
  • quality academics

As stated on their site, the “degree is designed for busy adults.” CUS allows all students to take classes when their ready.  Each course is only seven weeks in length. Students will learn about:

  • theories in early education
  • ways to define developmentally appropriate classes
  • setting up learning environments for young children
  • reaching out to families and caregivers

All students complete fieldwork in a licensed childcare facility or early childhood learning center.

14.) Pacific Oaks College – Pasadena, California

pacific oaks logo bottom e1521140850497Online Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $11,692/year

Pacific Oaks College is a private 4-year institution located in Pasadena, California. There are 1,175 students enrolled and the student-to-faculty ratio is just 5:1. The Western Association of Schools and Colleges accredits Pacific Oaks College to award bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well as professional certifications. Carnegie classifies Pacific Oaks as a “special focus” institution. As it sounds, special focus institutions are classified as such based on the concentration of degrees within a specific field. In the case of Pacific Oaks, most degrees are in:

  • education
  • human sciences
  • health

The majority of their programs are available on campus as well as online. There are seven fully online programs including their online bachelor’s in early childhood education and teaching and online master’s in human development and human studies.

Pacific Oaks College offers both a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education. We selected these child development online degrees for the affordable tuition rate and convenient online format.

The BA in Early Childhood Education is available with four concentration options including:

  • Dual California Teaching Credential
  • Preliminary Multiple Subject California Teaching Credential
  • Trauma Studies

Students with experience in the field can take advantage of the Credit for Learning from Experience program, gaining up to 24 credits for work experience.  All courses are taken online.

The masters in child development online from Pacific Oaks is a 30-credit hour program available to both full and part-time students.  Students can choose to specialize in Trauma Studies. Online child development courses include:

  • Public Policy and Its Impact on Children and Families
  • Creating Responsive Communities for All Families
  • Special Topics in Leadership in Early Childhood Education

15.) Eastern Kentucky University – Richmond, Kentucky

EasternKentuckyUniversitylogo 410 e1521140884518BS in Child and Family Studies-Child Development


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $11,120year

Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) is a public 4-year institution located in Richmond, Kentucky. There are 13,984 students enrolled and the student-to-faculty ratio is 15:1. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission- a regional accrediting institution- accredits EKU to award degrees as well as professional certifications. EKU offers several student support services including:

  • career and academic counseling
  • employment services for students
  • remedial support
  • job placement for graduates

When it comes to academics there are nearly 150 different degree programs from which to choose including degrees in areas like anthropology and criminal justice. Online programming includes degrees and professional certifications in a wide range of fields including their online bachelor’s in insurance and online masters in nursing practice. The most popular by enrollment include homeland security and psychology- including human development.

Eastern Kentucky University offers a Bachelor of Science in Child and Family Studies – Child Development. We selected this child development degree for the high quality of academic programming and affordable tuition. The coursework focuses on both child development and family studies and requires 120-125 hours for completion.  Courses are offered in accelerated eight-week terms.  Online students can look forward to courses like:

  • Child Development: Conception-Eight Years
  • Interaction and Guidance
  • Family Involvement with Young Children

This excellent child development degree program incorporates the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s professional preparation standards.

16.) The University of Arizona Global Campus -Tuscon, Arizona

University of Arizona Global Campus 1 e1681586695224BA in Child Development


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $460/credit

The University of Arizona Global Campus is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Council on Higher Education Accreditation.  They offer popular online degrees in areas like education and healthcare.  Degree programs are offered entirely online in an asynchronous format.

UAGC offers an online bachelors in child development.  Courses are offered in an accelerated format with most courses being five to six weeks in length.  Students move through the program one course at a time.  Course offerings include:

  • Assessment and Intervention
  • Foundations of Play and Learning
  • Exceptional Learning and Inclusion

All students complete a capstone course that ties together themes and concepts from the program.  Graduates are prepared for popular career choices including:

  • Childcare Worker
  • Educational Assistant
  • Teacher Aide

17.) Washington State University – Pullman, Washington

wsu image e1521140983194BA in Human Development – Child and Youth Development


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $28,385/year

Washington State University (WSU) is a public 4-year institution located in Pullman, Washington. There are 29,843 students enrolled and the student-to-faculty ratio is 15:1. WSU is accredited by The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities to award degrees as well as professional certifications. Academic programming is versatile and comprehensive including over 350 degrees ranging from agriculture to veterinary science. It may come as no surprise that the online offerings are robust as well including over 30 fully online degrees for undergraduate and graduate students alike. The most popular online programs by enrollment are in business and psychology including their online bachelors in human development and professional certification in child development.

Washington State University offers a Bachelor of Arts in Human Development with a focus on child and youth development. We selected this online bachelor’s in human development for its high-quality academic programming and low tuition rate. The curriculum follows a progression of foundational material through to a culminating experience. Students may select to either complete a practicum in early childhood or a field placement. The curriculum is designed so that students understanding deepens with a foundational understanding of child development.  Graduates are prepared for a variety of careers including:

  • developing programming for youth
  • working with youth in systems of care
  • working within the juvenile justice system

18.) Tulsa Community College – Tulsa, Oklahoma

tulsa CC e1521141042858AAS in Child Development


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $8,941/year

Tulsa Community College is a 2-year institution located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. There are 14,428 students enrolled and the student-to-faculty ratio is 19:1. TCC is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission to award associate degrees as well as professional certifications. TCC supports its students in a myriad of ways including through:

  • remedial help
  • academic and career counseling
  • credit for life experiences

Though a community college, TCC offers a vast range of degree options in vocational fields, technical fields, and the arts. Students may study areas like air traffic control and accounting.

Tulsa Community College offers an Associate of Science in Child Development. We selected this as one of our top childhood development degrees for the:

  • affordable tuition rate
  • wide range of online options
  • high-quality academics

The curriculum is designed to meet the standards of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Child development online courses include:

  • Social and Emotional Development: Birth to Eight
  • Professionalism for Infants and Toddlers
  • Health, Safety, and Nutrition: Birth to Eight

For a wide range of child development options, try TCC.

19.) Union Institute and University – Cincinnati, Ohio

union institute e1521141095518BS Early Childhood Education and Adolescent Development


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $395/credit

Union Institute and University is a private research institution located in Cincinnati, Ohio. There are satellite campuses located in Florida, Los Angeles, New England, and Sacramento. There are 776 students enrolled, and the student-to-faculty ratio is 6:1. Some of the student support services include:

  • employment opportunities for students
  • job placement for graduates
  • credit for life experiences

When it comes to its academic offerings, Union Institute focuses on vocational programs in fields like business and psychology. There are 25 fully online degrees available to both undergraduate and graduate students including their online bachelor’s in special education teaching and an online doctorate in interdisciplinary studies.

Union Institute and University offers a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education and Adolescent Development with four concentration options including:

  • Early Childhood Special Education
  • Early Childhood Studies
  • Teacher as Practitioner
  • Trauma Studies

We selected this online bachelor’s in child development for the:

  • high-quality academic programming
  • flexibility
  • affordable tuition

This 120-credit hour degree may be taken part-time or full-time and UIU allows for up to 90 credit hours of transfer. Online child education courses include:

  • Transforming Learning Standards into Achievement
  • The Art and Science of Assessing Children and Families
  • Constructing Reciprocal Relationships with Families and the Community

Electives are available to help students further tailor their degree to meet their interests.

20.) California State University East Bay – Hayward, California

cal state east bay e1521141116745BA in Human Development Online


Average Cost for Out-of-State Tuition: $18,875/year

California State University East Bay is a public 4-year institution located in Hayward, California. There are 15,855 students enrolled, and the student-to-faculty ratio is 27:1. CSU East Bay is accredited by The Western Association of Schools and Colleges to award degrees.  One of East Bay’s strengths lies in its wide variety of academic offerings including ethnic studies and studio arts. Currently, there are nine fully online degrees available to both undergraduate and graduate students including their online bachelor’s in hospitality management and their online bachelor’s degree in human development and family studies. East Bay provides services to students like:

  • on-campus day care for students’ children
  • remedial support
  • academic counseling

California State East Bay offers a Bachelor of Arts in Human Development with an option to focus on Early Childhood. We selected this online bachelor’s in human development for the quality of academic programming. The curriculum examines human developmental theories and lifespan concepts.  Concentration options include:

  • Early Childhood Development
  • Childhood Development
  • Adolescent Development
  • Adult Development and Gerontology
  • Women’s Development

Students come from a variety of backgrounds, and most are working while earning their degree.  The program is a great choice for students planning a career in an area like:

  • education
  • social work
  • child/family services

Great Programs for Child Development Online Learners

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for childcare workers is expected to increase by 6% through 2031.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the demand for preschool teachers is more than twice that, with an expected job growth rate of 15%. As government agencies begin to focus on early childhood education and Head Start programs as a way to end the country’s poor academic rankings, this growth is likely only to accelerate further. The online programs mentioned here will give graduates a great way to hit the ground running as this job growth continues.